Currently not banned but the stream is very limited’

09/03/22 I'm currently transferring streaming to youtube since twitch decided to permaban my account (4 bans now) for reasons I can't really give because they don't tell you exactly what you’ve done to get the offense since they don't give actual proof, but I can guesstimate on the why. I assume it was because I say certain words like 'retard' or other slurs. Even though it was in a casual manner, they’ll still have a hissy fit over little things like that.

Every time I've been banned on twitch is when I'm playing Modern Warfare 2019. I don't know why only that game but I assume it's either people get salty in-game that goes to my channel and mass report me, or it's just a highly moderated category on twitch. But every other game I play, I say the same stuff and I'm fine. I did use to say some other bad discriminatory stuff (like faggot, etc) in my previous bans, which I did learn from it but this time is straight out of line. 'Retard' and many other popular slurs like it, are very common and are barely discriminatory in this day of age (unless you’re a sensitive Karen), it's nothing compared to racism, homophobic, or religious discrimination. But you can say 'dumb cunt' or any other type of swearing like it that basically has the same meaning.

And the fact that my mate (LgRealmy) literally got permabanned for no reason at all. No email, nothing. Even after over 3 months of constant appeals. And they keep beating around the bush with every appeal that he does (and my several appeals) saying the same useless stuff and not actually answering on why the ban was issued. Yes he gets toxic sometimes but it doesn’t excuse not giving input on the ban.

But anyway, thanks to everyone (3k Twitch followers) that's been around and supported my channel throughout the 4 years of streaming. I may not have the top viewers or professionalism that some have but I could not give two fucks about stats and hiding my opinion. I care for the people that actually stick around, have banter with, and just have a good time overall. Being banned off twitch isn't gonna stop who I am and nothing will ever change that. If you think less of me because I have a controversial opinion even if it makes valid points or even for my past mentioned slurs/actions, then you can kindly not watch my shit (fuck off). I'm not condoning any type of violence or racism in any way on the stream and if it does come across that it somewhat sounds like it, we're doing it as satire.

The latest (and most likely final) ban was on my 24th birthday (March 9th 2022). I had a few people that gifted me subs on that day and we had a great time for the two hours the stream lasted. All my good moments and work into my Twitch channel is gone from the platform and any excess income from my channel because of a little thing like that. Cheers for the birthday gift Twitch. Absolute pathetic platform. Hope YouTube comes with the clutch soon.

Shout out to my subs, donors, and long-time viewers, you guys are fucking legends and I appreciate it more than you think. Cancel culture is a disease within itself and it's depressing to see this is becoming the norm. If I ever get unbanned, I'll still stay on YouTube for now until I see big changes with Twitch or other streaming platforms. But we'll see how this goes for me in the meantime. Cheers lads.